AGI Seminar Series

Awesome Causal Representation Learning

General Position Papers

2402 - Essential Role of Causality in Foundation World Models for Embodied AI
2105 - Toward Causal Representation Learning


2405 ## The Development of Human Causal Learning and Reasoning
0000 - Beyond the here and now: Counterfactual Simulation in Causal Cognition (by Tobias Gerstenberg)


2404 - Robust Agents Learn Causal World Models
2404 - Empowerment as Causal Learning, Causal Learning as Empowerment A bridget between Bayesian causal hypothesis testing and reinforcement learning
2200 - CausalDyna: Improving Generalization of Dyna-Style Reinforcement Learning via Counterfactual-Based Data Augmentation
2100 - Systematic Evaluation of Causal Discovery in Visual Model Based Reinforcement Learning


2305 - Interventional Causal Representation Learning
2203 - Weakly Supervised Causal Representation Learning
2202 - CITRIS: Causal Identifiability from Temporal Intervened Sequences
2100 - CausalVAE: Disentangled Representation Learning via Neural Structural Causal Models
2000 - iVAE: Variational Autoencoders and Nonlinear ICA: A Unifying Framework